Writefreely and the Fediverse
What is the status today ? (as I've understood)
We can enable federation easily. That means on write.as I have an account @valvin@write.as which publish a message on Fediverse each time I publish a post. This message contains the whole article, title and its link. On Friendica I can read it entierely while on Mastodon I've the title and the link only.
The account name is the name of my first blog but link to my username. I've not tested with a second blog if it generates a second user. I don't think so but to be tested.
In stats about my blog I can see how many followers I have but the Fediverse intergration is ending at this.
Comparing with Plume Fediverse integration it misses a lot of interesting feature : – if a fediverse user comments it appears on the post has a comment – post author can reply with its blog account directly – status of likes / reshares are presents
Maybe a workaround while these feature appears could be adding the fediverse account of the author in the post message. Thanks to it author could interact if someone is comments.
Once that said Writefreely's developer plans to develop Remark.as which will bring a comment solution to cover these needs but not only for WriteFreely. Unfortunately there is not yet a place to test it.