Few monthes later I am testing again writefreely.
Thing which is really nice is the design which makes you focus on writing. I'm wondering if this post after being plublished will be automatically available on Fediverse.
While writing i've just added @valvin@write.as
on my Friendica account in order to test if I can comment / interact easily.
Write.as instance allowes additional services that are not available freely such as image hosting which is usually necessary for a real blog. It is really? I don't know.
On editor I can choose a dark mode which is the one I've chosen while writing. It is also possible to change fonts but only type : Serif, Sans-Serif, Monospace. There is also the word count available but only when I focus my pointer on the header. Text should support markdown but while typing we don't really know as there is no direct interpretation of it. I think this choice is volonteer to focus on text only.
I like the idea of having different blogs natively which can make easier to categorize post theme or language for example. (as you can read I'm not english native).
Things to know is Writefreely can be hosted easily and should brings different options than write.as allowes by default.
To continue testing I have to publish these 200 hundreds words and check how it appears on the Fediverse :)
Edit : Post appearing well on Fediverse. But unfortunately comments are not yet present on write.as side.